Friday 29 November 2013

5 Awesome Ways to Stay Active During the Winter!

Keep winter fun and active by trying out one or all of these awesome activities during the winter :)

1. Skating!
Skating doesn't have to include playing hockey, it could just be going on the canal and skating as far as you can with friends and family. Skating is a low-impact sport that improves balance and increases endurance.

2. Sledding!
Grab the sleds and get some friends and go sledding. Not only is this fun, but going down the hill means going back up again! A hidden hill workout which does get tiring after awhile!

3. Yoga! 
Maybe you're not a person who likes to go outside and enjoy the snow, so why not stay inside and do some yoga... but don't do it alone, it's a lot more fun to do with other people and you all benefit from it. You'll become super flexible and increase your muscle strength!

4. Skiing!
Cross country skiing is great for all fitness levels and its so much fun while poses low-injury risk compared to its downhill cousin. It also works out the whole body: traversing the terrain with poles takes upper body strength, while gliding on the snow works the legs and lungs.

5. Snow Trails!
Walking through the snow is a great way to get some fresh air and get some exercise to clear the mind and brain of thoughts and to just enjoy nature at its finest. You can feed the chickadees seeds or bring some snowshoes and tread through the tracks. This a great form of exercise to get the blood pumping and fresh air through the lungs.

If you choose to do any of the 5 activities this winter you will surely be having an awesome time and having fun getting fit! :) have a great winter everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. I usually hate going outside during the winter because it's cold and wet, but these 5 activities seem like they would be fun do. I like your snowshoes tip the most because usually when you're on snowshoes, you don't think it is a exercise but it really is. There are also other indoor activities you can do during the winter like swimming, basket etc. if you really hate going out. Good Job!
