Thursday 12 December 2013

How to Overcome Sore Muscles!

Hello everyone! 
After a hard week of our new fitness workout plans we all have made, you're feeling great and ready to take on the world right!?… Well you might feel like Superman or Wonder Woman, but i sure feel sore from this past week and using muscles in my legs i barely use ever while playing volleyball. To help you guys, and myself, i'm going to give some options on how to help that soreness in your body!

First off… 

What's causing your sore muscles?

- You did an activity you're not used to (like running a marathon when you normally jog just a few miles)
- You suddenly kicked up your excercise intensity level or increased the length of your workout.
- You did eccentric exercises, in which you lengthened instead of shortened your muscle (like walking downhill or extending your arm during a bicep curl).

These changes to your exercises routine can lead to tiny injuries called micro damage ion the muscle fivers and connective tissue. About a day later, you'll start to feel sore. :( 

Treating Sore Muscles and Joint Pain

There are a lot of questions whether to use heat or ice on sore muscles or joint pain. Experts say indirect ice - - ice pack wrapped in a thin towel -- is best for immediate relief. 

Heat feels great while it's on but its not going to lessen the damage or make it go away anytime soon. What i recommend doing is ice the sore area right after the activity to reduce inflammation then using heat later to increase blood flow to the area. Heat also can help relive joint pain. 

Do easier exercises to help the soreness such as walking or swimming or yoga. Keeping the muscle in motion can also help provide some relief. Take it easy when you have sore muscles because you won't be breaking any records when you're sore!!!

Preventing Sore Muscles and Joint Pain

Its easy! Warm up before you exercise and save the stretching for afterward, when your muscles are already warm. You can stretch a little before your workout but it is more effective to prevent your sore muscles by stretching after exercising.  

*A couple natural substances have been known for preventing sore muscles, including vitamin C.

TIPS to Avoid Sore Muscles!

*Ease your way into your exercise routine. Start off with lighter exercises and gradually build up! Experts recommend to increase your exertion level by only 10% at a time.
* If you have joint pain, you might be tempted to curl up in bed. Though one of the best things you can do for your joints is to exercise. Weight-bearing exercises can help strengthen the muscles that support the joint. Just be careful not to exercise to the point of pain or else your not doing your joint any favours!

its best to stay active and exercise in a way thats comfortable for you because the temptation to curl up in bed when you have joint pain is always there

Even this little guy needs to stretch to avoid sore muscles! :) 

I hope this helps :)